Cancer is the greatest health fear in the minds of most people. It may even be more feared than hearth disease, terrorism or senility. It is so feared that, all too often, people are unwilling to test for any early warnings signs - the vital signs we will be talking about here - assuming that if positive signs suggestive of cancer are found, they will be subjected to be a barrage of unpleasant medical procedures with little hope of a successful outcome. You will learn that there is much that you can do to avoid cancer and, if the early warning signs are there, there is a great deal you can do to help reverse the process before a tumor forms.
Do you have cancer? Have you had cancer?
If so, you are not alone. According to Cancer Research UK, there are approximately 289.000 new cases of cancer diagnosed with cancer every two minutes, day and night, 365 days a year. The statistics vary with the source, but you have a greater than 35 percent chance of developing cancer at some time in your life, and the risk is rising. The incidence of cancer has increased by 25 percent since 1975. About 75 percent of cases occur in people aged sixty and over. Around 1 percent of cancers occur in children, teenagers and young adults. However, children who survive cancer have a greater risk of another cancer later in life than do children who have not had cancer. The most common forms of cancer are breast, lung, bowel and prostate and these together account for over half of all new cancers each year.
According to US figures made available in 2007, cancer now happens to approximately 50 percent of men and approximately 35 percent of women. In a June 2009 statement, the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in US forecast that, on present indications, the number of new cancer cases diagnosed each year in the US will increase by 45 percent over the next twenty years. Even more alarmingly, they anticipate that there will be significant increases in high-morality cancers such as those of the liver, pancreas and stomach.
Cancer is one of the most preventable diseases. Remember, given that the majority of cancers are caused by faulty diet and lifestyle, and environment al factors, this prevention is largely within your own control. You may not be able to change everything about your environment, but you can do a great deal, and you can certainly improve your diet and change many harmful aspects of your lifestyle. Thus you can improve your overall health and increase your ability to protect yourself from much of what you cannot change.
There are many strategies you can use to reserve both phases of the cancer process, and the sooner you start adopting these strategies , the healthier yo can be, and the greater your chance of avoiding cancer, recovering from it or preventing a recurrence.
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